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思百吉4.75亿美元收购Omega Engineering

Spectris2011年8月23日 16:39 点击:3007

Spectris   美国欧米茄 OMEGA Engineering  

2011年8月15日,精密仪器制造商思百吉宣布公司以4.75亿美元收购美国公司欧米茄工程(Omega Engineering),这笔交易扩大了思百吉工业控制部门的产品范围,并且开辟了北美市场的新渠道。

  思百吉CEO John O'Higgins表示,“我们获取一个具有很强毛利率的高品质业务。对于思百吉而言,这项收购是一个很好的战略和文化契合。”

  欧米茄工程总部设在康涅狄格州斯坦福德,2010年收入1.68亿美元,税前净利润3960万美元,员工700人,主要向工业和学术市场提供测量和控制温、压力、湿度和电导率的仪器。这家私人持有的公司直接通过目录和网站销售产品,约80%的收入来自北美。“通过该项交易,思百吉将扩大其在该地区的市场占有”,思百吉财务总监Clive Watson说。



Spectris plc, the productivity-enhancing instrumentation and controls company, today announces that it has signed an agreement to acquire the Omega Engineering business. The purchase consideration of US$475 million (approximately £290 million), on a debt and cash-free basis, will be met from cash and new bank facilities and is subject to routine balance sheet adjustments.

Omega is a privately-held business which provides a broad range of process measurement and control instrumentation to customers in industrial and academic markets, selling directly to end users in these sectors via catalogue, telephone and internet. The company has a differentiated customer service model with emphasis on providing high levels of quality, availability, customisation and speed of delivery to a large base of customers who want a convenient and reliable source for their small-scale process and automation needs and R&D requirements. It is a leading integrated, international, single-source supplier of highly engineered products and customised solutions in the process measurement and control industry, with a very strong brand, high levels of repeat business, a defensible and resilient business model and an unmatched reputation for meeting customer needs. 

Headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut, USA, the company has five manufacturing facilities and two distribution/sales facilities and employs around 700 people. Founded in 1962, Omega has grown steadily and now offers a diverse range of process measurement and control products to measure temperature, pressure, flow, level, strain, humidity, pH and conductivity. The company had sales of $168 million (approximately £103 million) in 2010 and adjusted operating profit before interest and tax of $39.6 million (approximately £24 million) and was cash generative. The value of gross assets acquired as at 31 December 2010 was $84.4 million (approximately £52 million). The acquisition is expected to enhance adjusted earnings per share in the first full financial year of ownership. We expect the acquisition to complete in Q4 on satisfaction of customary closing conditions including US and German antitrust clearances.

John O’Higgins, Chief Executive of Spectris, commented: “Trading since the time of our last update on 15 July has remained in line with our expectations. We are delighted to have reached agreement to acquire the Omega Engineering business, which will bring a significant strategic growth platform to our Industrial Controls segment.”

A conference call for analysts and investors will be held at 08.00 (UK time) today to discuss this statement. To access the call, please dial +44 (0)20 3140 0722. A presentation on the acquisition can be downloaded from our website at http://www.spectris.com/presentations.aspx

(来源: Spectris )

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