- Rigaku2011年10月20日 11:34 点击:4418
2011年10月14日,位于美国伍德兰德斯的理学美国公司(Rigaku Americas Corporation)很高兴地宣布,公司已收购了美国BaySpe公司手持式拉曼光谱技术与产品线,并由此成立了理学拉曼技术公司(Rigaku Raman Technologies Inc),用以研发、设计、生产、营销和分销相关产品。
而新成立的理学拉曼技术公司将分别设在美国加利福尼亚州圣何塞与美国德克萨斯州的伍德兰德斯,公司总裁兼首任执行官将由LED分析技术企业家Hal Grodzins先生担任,最初产品则包括FirstGuard™和Xantus™系列产品线,涵盖了532纳米、785纳米和1064纳米的样品激发波长产品。
Rigaku acquires handheld Raman products from BaySpec
The Woodlands, TX — October 13, 2011. Rigaku Americas Corporation is pleased to announce the acquisition of the handheld Raman technology and product lines from BaySpec, Inc. and the concurrent formation of a new division, Rigaku Raman Technologies Inc., for R&D, engineering, production, marketing and distribution.
Hal Grodzins, President and CEO of Rigaku Raman Technologies, Inc. |
Rigaku's new handheld Raman instruments combine patented optics and proven spectral analysis techniques with state-of-the-art, low-cost Telecom-developed optical components, providing our customers with fast, economical, easy to use, handheld chemical identification and composition analyzers for explosives detection, including improvised explosive device (IED) detection; narcotics and other controlled substances detection and identification; counterfeit drug detection, food contaminant detection; and detection and identification of many other sample types; for homeland security; pharmaceutical, cosmetics, food, wine, beer and agricultural feed quality assurance and quality control; medical diagnostics; petrochemical exploration and process control; forensics; archeometry; and many other applications.
Led by analytical technology entrepreneur Hal Grodzins, as President and CEO, the new company will be co-located in San Jose, California and The Woodlands, Texas. Initial offerings will comprise the FirstGuard™ and Xantus™ series product lines, covering sample excitation wavelengths of 532 nm, 785 nm and 1064 nm.
About BaySpec
BaySpec, Inc., founded in 2000 with 100% research, development and manufacturing in the USA (San Jose, California), is a vertically integrated spectral sensing company. The company designs, manufactures and markets advanced spectral instruments including UV-VIS-NIR spectrometers, NIR and Raman Analyzers, soft-cooled and deep-cooled detectors and cameras, laser and other light sources and micro-spectroscopy instruments. BaySpec's products are ideally suited for challenging biomedical, pharmaceutical, chemical, food, semiconductor, homeland security, fiberoptic sensing and optical telecommunications applications.
About Rigaku
Founded in 1951, the Rigaku companies are global leaders in the development, manufacturing and sales of laboratory and industrial X-ray diffractometers and spectrometers; small molecule and protein crystallography instrumentation; sealed and rotating anode X-ray generators; X-ray optics and imaging systems; high-performance rotary magnetic fluid feedthroughs; thermal analysis instrumentation; automated sample preparation and analysis solutions; and non-destructive testing (NDT) products. Rigaku employs more than 1,100 people in the development, manufacturing, marketing and support of its analytical equipment. Its products are used in more than 70 countries around the world – supporting research, development, and quality assurance activities. Throughout the world, Rigaku continuously promotes partnerships, dialog, and innovation within the global scientific and industrial community.
For further information, contact: Hal Grodzins |
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