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互联网2013年8月22日 9:00 点击:2316

Abbott    美国OptiMedica


雅培(Abbott)8月19日宣布,已完成对眼科设备公司OptiMedica Corp的收购,该公司是位于美国硅谷的一家私人控股公司,专注于激光辅助眼科手术。

此次收购,将使雅培视力保健业务进入飞秒激光辅助白内障手术市场。目前,大多数白内障手术都是通过手动操作,OptiMedica公司的催化剂活性精密激光系统(Catalys Precision Laser System),允许外科医生用精确的、图像引导的飞秒激光技术,来代替白内障手术过程中在更换晶状体(len)时所需的外科手动操作步骤。




 Abbott Completes Acquisition of OptiMedica

August 19, 2013 Abbott Park, Illinois (NYSE: ABT) — Abbott today announced that it has completed its acquisition of OptiMedica Corporation, a privately-held, Silicon Valley-based ophthalmic device company.

The acquisition expands Abbott's vision care business into the femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery market. Most cataract procedures are performed manually with the surgeon making incisions into the eye by hand. OptiMedica's Catalys? Precision Laser System is designed to allow surgeons to replace some of the technically demanding manual steps in cataract surgery with precise, image-guided, femtosecond laser technology. A femtosecond laser can be used to create an anterior capsulotomy, effect phacofragmentation, and make a variety of incisions during cataract surgery. The Catalys laser system has both CE Mark in Europe and clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

"OptiMedica's Catalys system enhances Abbott's leadership position in vision care with the addition of a state-of-the-art laser cataract technology to our portfolio," said Murthy Simhambhatla, senior vice president, medical optics, Abbott. "OptiMedica's technology combined with Abbott's global market presence, offer the potential to provide advanced cataract treatment options to more patients around the world."

Abbott acquired OptiMedica for $250 million, net of cash. Additional amounts totaling up to $150 million will be payable upon completion of certain development, regulatory and sales milestones.

(来源: 互联网 )

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