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Hamilton收购法国Fogale Nanotech生物传感器业务

Hamilton Bonaduz2013年12月12日 11:01 点击:3767

瑞士哈美顿 Hamilton 法国FOGALE Nanotech

2013年12月9日  Hamilton收购法国Fogale Nanotech生物传感器业务

Hamilton(汉密尔顿)宣布已签署了一项协议,收购全球生物量监测公司Fogale Nanotech的生物传感器业务。这笔交易预计在2013年12月完成,具体交易金额没有披露。随着该项收购的完成,Hamilton成为唯一能提供所有有价值过程监测参数的传感器制造商,如pH、溶解氧和生物量。

  据Hamilton实验室和传感器副总裁Jörg Pochert介绍,FOGALE的生物传感器主要利用活细胞的介电性能,其优势在于只测量活细胞密度。不同于光学技术,该系统对于气泡、微载体、细胞碎片,以及悬浮液中的其它颗粒不敏感。

Hamilton Bonaduz AG and Fogale Nanotech have signed an agreement on the acquisition of Fogale’s biomass measurement products

Bonaduz, 9 December 2013 – Hamilton concludes agreement to acquire the biotech sensors business of the French company Fogale Nanotech.

Hamilton, a global manufacturer of process sensor technologies, has signed an agreementregarding the acquisition of the Biotech sensors business of Fogale Nanotech, a worldwideleader for biomass monitoring. This deal is set to be closed in December 2013. With thisacquisition Hamilton becomes the only sensor manufacturer offering all valuable parametersfor the online monitoring of bioprocesses, i.e. pH, dissolved oxygen and biomass.

Bioprocesses play a growing role in many industries including the biotechnological andpharmaceutical industries. However, bioprocesses which involve living cells often display high batch to batch variability. Accurate online information on the critical process parameters,including viable biomass, is necessary for effective bioprocess optimization and control. Italso addresses the growing regulatory requirements of these industries. Fogale’s Biomasssensor uses the dielectric properties of living cells, which has the advantage of measuring only viable cell density. Unlike optical techniques, the system is not sensitive to gas bubbles,microcarriers, cell debris and other particles in suspension. “Fogale’s biomass sensors are the ideal addition to our product offering for our biopharmaceutical customers”, commented Dr. Jörg Pochert, VP Laboratory and Sensors of Hamilton. “In combination with our pH anddissolved oxygen sensor, they provide critical information on the progress of the cell cultureprocess enabling our customers to better understand, optimize and control their processes.With this acquisition we strengthen our strategic offering for the biopharmaceutical market.”

Commenting on the acquisition, Patrick Leteurtre, CEO of Fogale Nanotech stated “We arelooking forward to the cooperation with Hamilton who will not only make our biomassproducts available to a broader group of customers, but will also eventually continue tofurther develop our technology”.

Both companies agreed not to disclose any commercial details of the acquisition.


About Hamilton

Hamilton Company is a leading global provider of precision instruments and solutions for usein laboratory, industrial and medical applications. Founded on the technology of analyticalsyringes in 1953, the company evolved with advances in scientific techniques to provide abroad offering of liquid handling devices, analytical sensors, life science instruments andmedical ventilators. With a long track record of innovations, Hamilton is a leader in providingquality and application focused solutions for its customers. For more information, visitwww.hamiltoncompany.com.


About Fogale nanotech

At FOGALE we deliver visionary technologies that foster progress for people. Created in 1983 around a group of high profile engineers, we are passionate about inventing innovative technologies in order to facilitate tomorrow's life. Through collaboration with major players across industries, FOGALE has quickly expanded into a diversified industrial group and is now known as the worldwide reference in the field of high accuracy dimensional metrology. Based on strong multidisciplinary scientific expertise in capacitive, optical, inductive and ultrasonic metrology, we provide standard and customized solutions adapted to your specific industrial needs and constraints. Our cutting-edge products and engineering know-how are acknowledged in the most demanding industries, such as automotive, defense, aeronautics, telecommunications, nuclear, in Europe, USA and Asia. For more information, visit:




(来源: Hamilton Bonaduz )

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