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Sysmex2013年10月10日 9:08 点击:5682

日本 希森美康 Sysmex  

2013年9月24日 日本体外诊断公司Sysmex(希森美康)收购德国流式细胞分析公司Partec和个体化用药与伴随诊断公司Inostics

Sysmex Acquiring Two Germany Based Companies to Expand its Technology Platform Targeting Personalized Medicine and Entering New Fields of Business

Sep. 24 , 2013
Information contained in the press release is
current as of the date of the announcement,
but may be subject to change without prior notice.

  Sysmex Corporation (HQ: Kobe, Japan; Chairman and CEO: Hisashi Ietsugu) announces that it has reached agreements to acquire 100% of the shares of German Partec GmbH (hereinafter referred to as “Partec”) and Inostics GmbH (hereinafter referred to as “Inostics”), as outlined below.


1. Significance and Purpose of the Acquisitions
  The global healthcare market promises ongoing growth, driven by graying populations in advanced countries and efforts in emerging markets to expand their healthcare infrastructures in line with population increase and economic development. Due to the progress of personalized medicine, such as the development of new drugs and diagnostics using advanced molecular genetic technologies, and disease incidence analysis, an adequately relevant treatment and drug selection matching the individual’s physical and genetic condition can increasingly be realized.
  Under the share purchase agreements, Sysmex will acquire Partec’s flow cytometry (FCM) technology which is advantageous for both, research and diagnostics purpose and Inostics’s highly-sensitive digital polymerase chain reaction (dPCR) technology for circulating DNA analysis. In addition to establishing new analytical platforms by integrating both technologies, Sysmex will be entering the personalized medicine business leveraging its global sales and support network.

  Partec, a pioneering company in the field of FCM, has amassed significant expertise and development capabilities involving leading-edge FCM products. The company has gained a strong presence in emerging markets and developing countries for its efforts in such areas as HIV monitoring, malaria diagnostics and other infectious diseases. In developed countries, Partec provides testing instruments that employ its FCM technology, targeting research institutions and customers in general industry categories.
  Sysmex plans to extend its business domain as well as accelerating global outreach by leveraging its sales and support network. Sysmex expects to further advance in the hematology field by combining FCM technologies—Partec’s forte—with its own expertise in the hematology field cultivated over the years.

  Inostics possesses advanced genetic testing technologies, such as ultra-sensitive digital PCR technology for detecting cancer cell DNA directly from blood – a “liquid biopsy” process as opposed to tissue testing. By acquiring those technologies, Sysmex plans to develop on a global basis assay services that Inostics already provides. Its companion diagnostics activities in collaboration with pharmaceutical companies will be enhanced as well.

  Going forward, Sysmex, under its corporate philosophy “Shaping the Advancement of Healthcare”, aims to promote healthcare in the interest of improving the lives and health of people throughout the world.

2. Corporate Overviews
(1) Partec and affiliated companies
1) Line of Business Development, manufacture and sale of diagnostic Instruments and reagents
2) Head Office Location Görlitz, Germany
3) Representative Roland Göhde
4) Net Sales and EBIT (FY2012) Net Sales 20.1 Million of euros
    EBIT 2.7 Million of euros

(2) Inostics and affiliated companies
1) Line of Business Blood DNA testing service in the cancer field
2) Head Office Location Hamburg, Germany
3) Representative Prof. Dr. Hartmut Juhl
4) Net Sales and EBIT (FY2012) Net Sales 4.6 Million of U.S. dollars

EBIT 0.2 Million of U.S. dollars

3. Outlook
  Sysmex will provide notice of the impact of this acquisition on the Group’s operating 

(来源: Sysmex )

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