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AB SCIEX宣布在新加坡设立新的大型研发中心

AB SCIEX2013年11月2日 11:15 点击:2429

美国AB Sciex

2013年10月31日 AB SCIEX宣布在新加坡设立新的大型研发中心,标志着公司在亚太地区的拓展进入到下一主要阶段。AB SCIEX将近10%的年收入都用于技术研发,这是公司在液相色谱或串联质谱等领域持续发展的推动力。昨日我们有幸请到新加坡经济发展委员会总经理助理田桂英女士和AB SCIEX总裁Rainer Blair亲临现场剪彩。


AB SCIEX Expands in Singapore to Drive Scientific Innovation

Global leader in mass spectrometry technology to maximize Singapore as “hub” for global operations

Singapore - October 31, 2013

AB SCIEX, a global leader in analytical technologies, today announced the next major phase of its expansion in Singapore, with the grand opening of a new research and development (R&D) centre. 

The facility is an extension of the company's $10-million global operations in Marsiling where life science industry-leading analytical instruments, including the AB SCIEX 6500 series and TripleTOF® series, are manufactured. 

The AB SCIEX R&D Centre is focused on product development and brings R&D and manufacturing closer together.  As a global leader in scientific technologies for biological and chemical analysis, AB SCIEX spends close to 10 percent of its annual revenues on R&D, which is a driving force for the company's continued innovation in LC/MS/MS (liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry).  

The company has also invested in an application support and training facility in the Biopolis, which is Singapore's state-of-the-art biomedical research hub housing a community of public and private researchers.

"Our significant investments in research and development, manufacturing and personnel reaffirm our commitment to Singapore as a hub for AB SCIEX global operations," said Rainer Blair, President of AB SCIEX. "As a trusted partner with scientists all over the world, we will continue to drive new innovation and push the limits of analytical science."

AB SCIEX joins more than 50 biotechnology and life science companies that have an R&D presence in Singapore.  

"We are excited about the opening of AB SCIEX's R&D Centre in Singapore ? its first R&D centre outside North America. The centre will design and develop new instruments from Singapore for global markets. This is an excellent example of how leading life science tools companies such as AB SCIEX are looking to Singapore as an integrated home in Asia for complex instrument manufacturing, headquarter functions as well as R&D to support their future growth," said Ms Thien Kwee Eng, Assistant Managing Director, Singapore Economic Development Board.

The company's expansion in Singapore positions AB SCIEX to better serve its customers across Asia-Pacific. 

"Our proximity to Asia-Pacific customers creates greater opportunities for regional input into new products that can transform health and safety," said KY Wong, Vice President of Global Operations at AB SCIEX.  "Also, by being in Singapore, we have strategic access to the Asian market's supply chain resources."

On the production side, AB SCIEX has completed the transfer of manufacturing Eksigent chromatography products from the United States to Singapore.  The physical expansion of manufacturing in its Marsiling factory in northern Singapore is part of a progressive plan for the Southeast Asian manufacturing operation to take on an increased number of products.  

Market Leadership

AB SCIEX recently won the 2013 Global Market Share Leadership Award for Mass Spectrometry from Frost & Sullivan.  Mass spectrometry is advanced scientific technology used in laboratories to detect and quantify compounds, contaminants and proteins across a wide variety of applications, including food safety, drug discovery, clinical research, environmental analysis and biomedical research.  



AB SCIEX helps to improve the world we live in by enabling scientists and laboratory analysts to push the limits in their field and address the complex analytical challenges they face.  The company's global leadership and world-class service and support in the mass spectrometry industry have made it a trusted partner to thousands of the scientists and lab analysts worldwide who are focused on basic research, drug discovery and development, food and environmental testing, forensics and clinical research.  With more than 40 years of proven innovation, AB SCIEX excels by listening to and understanding the ever-evolving needs of its customers to develop reliable, sensitive and intuitive solutions that continue to redefine what is achievable in routine and complex analysis.  For more information about the company, go towww.absciex.com.  Follow AB SCIEX on Twitter @ABSCIEX, Facebook and LinkedIn.   

(来源: AB SCIEX )

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