
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜



艾荔艾集团2016年1月24日 10:59 点击:745


High Quality Products with Technology Capability Promise
The factory of AiLiAi in Shanghai has an strong capability in alloys making. The factory produces many types of difficult-to-fabricate alloys and has a great capability in new product development. With its strict quality control system, the company has good performance and growth in terms of non-conforming rate and turnover.

With Metallurgy Capability to Develop New Types of alloy Products 
Forest Lin, General Manager of AiLiAi explained:" After we receives an order from a client, first, a technical team is formed by our R & D staff, Metallurgical Division, QA Division and Technical Services Division; next, the team collects the specifications required by the client and converts them into metallurgical system". Moreover, “To secure high quality, we have to be prudent in our production, sale and purchase at any time. This is our core value", he said. The company has laid a solid foundation in research and development and has developed various types of alloy products.  

Attention to Quality and Details Is Incorporated into Each Employee’s Daily Life
Currently, most employees in the Tech. Dept. of AiLiAi are responsible for research and development, improvements of production processes, quality control and technical services; the others focus on quality inspections, which cover all production processes, including checks for raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products. In addition, advanced testing equipments are used to facilitate material alloying design, chemical material analysis, OM/SEM/EDS, and other manufacturing simulation testings. “We do not use many quality-related slogans; the numbers speak for themselves. For example, when the purchase ratio on our products jumps from 10% to 90%, it proves that our product quality has continuous growth,” Lin further concluded. 

(来源: 艾荔艾集团

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