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Sias2012年9月5日 10:30 点击:2736

瑞士Xiril    瑞士Sias



Sias to Acquire Lab Equipment Firm Xiril

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Swiss liquid handling systems firm Sias has inked an agreement to acquire laboratory equipment and software firm Xiril.

The deal is expected to be completed at the end of this month and will provide Sias with products focused on the diagnostic and DNA analysis markets, the Hombrechtikon, Switzerland-based firm said in a statement released yesterday. Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed, but Sias said that it would pay for the acquisition with company stock.

Sias added that the acquisition enables it to maintain rapid growth, while increasing its market share and sharpening its "competitive edge in a market that still has enormous potential."

Sias acquires Xiril

Consolidation in the automated laboratory sector

Hombrechtikon, 3 September 2012

Sias AG is to acquire Xiril AG with effect from 30.09.2012. The acquisition gives Hombrechtikon an even stronger global player in the automated laboratory sector. Sias AG is an original equipment manufacturer with a wide product portfolio and holds a strong position at the forefront of the robotic liquid handling segment. Xiril specializes in the development and manufacture of laboratory equipment and related software, which are used for diagnostic purposes and DNA analysis.

The decision to combine two complementary technologies and mutually supportive product platforms further consolidates the company's position as a leading supplier of robotic liquid handling systems and as the partner of choice for efficient, affordable automation projects worldwide. The acquisition enables the company to maintain rapid growth, increases market share and sharpens its competitive edge in a market that still has enormous potential. The acquisition complements the company's operations in Europe and China. Automatic liquid handling is today’s industry standard in the pharmaceutical and diagnostic sectors, saving time and money, and helping laboratories to meet strict regulatory requirements.

The undisclosed purchase price will be paid in company stock. The company will be based at Sias headquarters and the existing premises will be expanded. Sias management wishes to retain as many Xiril employees as possible. André Günter, CEO of Sias, will continue to hold this position in the new company and one change will be made to the Sias Board, which currently consists of five directors. The local area, known to industry insiders as the "Pipetting Valley", has no shortage of suppliers who are able to develop and manufacture the mechanical components required by the life science industry.

The acquisition and the joint growth strategy is further proof of the company's commitment to the upper Lake of Zurich region.

About Sias AG

Sias is an original equipment manufacturer of a wide range of modular and all-inclusive laboratory automation solutions. The Xantus platform has established the company as one of the world’s leading manufacturers in the liquid handling segment. Apart from production, the Sias service portfolio includes the integration of functional modules into existing production lines and the development of control and operating software as well as training and ongoing support for users.

Sias AG was founded in Hombrechtikon near Zurich in 2000 and moved into larger premises in the same municipality in 2008 to accommodate the company’s continuing growth. It currently has over 60 employees and supplies customers in Europe, the U.S. and China. Sias AG products are purchased by companies in the diagnostics and research sectors as well as industrial operations of all kinds.

About Xiril AG

Xiril AG was founded in 2001 by a team of specialists with more than thirty years experience in the liquid handling industry. The company's business is the development of systems and solutions for the life science industry and for diagnostic applications. Xiril AG is domiciled in the "Pipetting Valley" and has 25 employees. The company has a global distribution network in all the world's relevant markets.


Sias AG
André Günter
Etzelstrasse 30
CH-8634 Hombrechtikon
+41 79 578 49 33
Xiril AG
Jürgen Lindemeier
Garstligweg 2
CH-8634 Hombrechtikon
+ 41 55 254 7783

(来源: Sias )

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