KKR正在寻求以约5亿美元收购Gland Pharma 40%的股份
- 互联网2013年9月13日 13:23 点击:1999
KKR正在寻求以约5亿美元收购Gland Pharma 40%的股份。该公司在印度低分子肝素和其他一些心血管和骨科产品上占有关键地位,年销售额约为1.5亿美元,最近5年增长了5倍。
KKR likely to buy Gland Pharma for Rs 1,000 crore by month-end
KKR, the global buyout fund, is likely to acquire one-third of Hyderabad-based Gland Pharma for a little over Rs 1,000 crore. The deal, likely to be consummated by this month-end, will be a combination of fresh equity infusion into the company and buyout of the existing investor — Evolvance India Life Science Fund, two persons familiar with the development told ET.
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