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CEM微波合成用于ACP 65 的合成

美国培安公司2012年7月31日 11:10 点击:1051

The application of microwave energy has proved to be a major enabling tool for many chemical reactions requiring energy input, and recently microwave irradiation has been applied to solid phase peptide synthesis. Peptide synthesis often suffers from long reaction times and low yields due to problems such as aggregation. Microwave energy can help break up these aggregates improving the synthesis quality while speeding up the synthesis rate. The acyl carrier protein (ACP) fragment 65‐74,  H‐Val‐Gln‐Ala‐Ala‐Ile‐Asp‐Tyr‐Ile‐Asn‐Gly‐OH, is a widely used standard model for demonstrating peptide synthesis efficiency. The presence of several hydrophobic residues, and in particular the hindered Val and Ile residues, can lead to poor coupling and deprotection reactions resulting in low yield and purity of the peptide.

In this application note ACP 65‐74 is synthesized in good yield and purity using microwave irradiation for the deprotection, coupling, and final cleavage steps.


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(来源: 美国培安公司

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