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Xylem2016年2月18日 10:53 点击:1681

Xylem    Tideland Xylem.jpg




  赛莱默主席和CEO Patrick Decker 表示:“2015年公司总体表现较好,实现了我们的财政预期,市场表现良好,推进了我们长期发展计划的实现。公共设施市场发展较好,尤其是在美国和重要的新兴市场,水和废水基础设施的需求不断释放,因此这一季度我们在这一市场实现了8%的增长。但是在重工业市场尤其是石油天然气和采矿工业,市场表现较差。”




Beverly, MA – (February 4, 2016) – Xylem Inc. (NYSE: XYL), a leading global water technology company dedicated to solving the world’s most challenging water issues, has acquired Tideland Signal Corporation, a privately owned company specializing in analytics solutions in the coastal and ocean management sectors. News of the acquisition was shared in the company’s 4th quarter earnings announcement. 

Headquartered in Houston, Texas, with key locations in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Singapore, Tideland is a leading producer of analytics solutions in the coastal and ocean management sectors, sold under the Tideland and IMT brands. With navigation and analytical products and services used by ports and harbors, marine authorities, offshore oil and gas, and wind power installations, Tideland generated revenue of approximately $48 million in 2015. 

“The Tideland acquisition demonstrates Xylem’s commitment to acquire attractive businesses that complement our global portfolio, and enable us to provide solutions to the tough water challenges our customers face every day,” said Colin Sabol, Xylem’s senior vice president and president of analytics and treatment. “Tideland’s products, services, and long-standing customer relationships will extend our reach within the ocean and coastal market, and provide us scale in the environmental monitoring systemsbusiness. We’re proud to have the Tideland team join ocean and coastal experts from Xylem representing brands like HYPACK, SonTek, Aanderaa, and YSI.”

(来源: Xylem )

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