- Bloomberg2013年9月12日 9:35 点击:5685
丹纳赫总裁兼首席执行官Lawrence Culp曾在今年7月份透露,丹纳赫可用于2014年收购的资金大概有80亿美元,目前我们正在寻找能够增加公司价值、给股东带来回报的合适目标。
FBR&Co.and Longbow则认为,Pall是更为合适的收购对象。
Danaher $8 Billion Seen Fueling Bids for Pall, Spectris
Danaher Corp. (DHR), a maker of everything from dental equipment to water filters, may spend some of its more than $8 billion in takeover firepower on Pall Corp. or Spectris Plc (SXS) to help boost sales amid the slowest growth in four years.
Chief Executive Officer Larry Culp said in July that the $47 billion company is looking for deals that can increase returns for shareholders. Spectris, a $4.3 billion maker of testing gear, could lure Danaher with its high margins and the opportunity for cost cutting, said Credit Suisse Group AG. Pall, an $8.1 billion supplier of water-filtration technology, could be an attractive target, FBR & Co. and Longbow Research said.
Danaher hasn’t spent more than $1 billion on a purchase since 2011, and now has a record amount of cash for takeovers. Macquarie Group Ltd. said investors are eager for more dealmaking, with the Washington-based company’s sales poised to increase by less than 4 percent this year, down from growth of more than 12 percent every year since 2009, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
“Larry has made it pretty clear that he has that firepower,” Ajay Kejriwal, a New York-based analyst at FBR, said in a phone interview. “Given their track record, investors know that they will do something. It’s just a matter of time.”
A representative for Danaher said the company declined to comment.
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