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Tektronix收购测试仪器制造商Picosecond Pulse Labs

互联网2014年2月11日 18:31 点击:1068

2014年1月16日 (Tektronix)近日宣布收购Picosecond Pulse Labs公司──这是一家专注于打造脉冲产生器、波形产生器、误差检测器、误码率测试(BERT)产品和其它测试仪器的制造商。你可能还记得,Tektronix在2010年曾经收购BERTScope制造商──Synthesys Research公司。

 Tektronx 在取得BERTScope与Picosecond的产品后,将有助于使该公司处于更强而有力的位置,从而可望抗衡来自其对手安捷伦科技(Agilent, 以后将会是Keysight)的竞争──安捷伦科技也已经在示波器、 BERT 与脉冲/波形产生器市场深耕多年了。从Tektronix与Picosecond最近携手在DesignCon的展示,可望取得有关这项收购行动的更多详 细信息。《EETimes》记者Martin Rowe针对此次收购行动采访了Tektronix高性能示波器总经理Brian Reich。


EETimes:Tektronix在几年前收购Synthesys Research取得了BERT产品组合。既然已经拥有BERT产品线,为什么还决定收购Picosecond ?


Brian Reich:Picosecon可进一步为我们成长中的 BERT 产品组合带来多信道性能。由于25Gbit/s设计逐渐迈向平行架构,多通道测试变得越来越重要,而我们的数据通讯客户也必须在产线与实验室中验证芯片和收发器。




Brian Reich:经 过2年来提供 BERTScopes 与Tektronix 示波器的经验,我们对于客户的投入已使得 BERT 与示波器整合于我们的接收器与收发器解决方案中,以瞄准USB3.0与 PCI Express 3.0应用。未来,我们期望透过Picosecond的产品以及我们在数据通讯用户领域的 BERT 产品,持续推动这一方面的进展。


EETimes:在收购后Picosecond是否仍保有原品牌?或将融入于Tektronix BERTscope系列?


Brian Reich:Picosecond的产品将成为Tektronix产品品牌的一部份。


EETimes:除了 BERT 以外,Tetronix还将专注(或继续支持)Picosecond的哪些产品领域?


Brian Reich:我们将继续支持并投资于脉冲产生器以及零组件业务。




Brian Reich:在Boulder厂的制造业务将持续运作。




Brian Reich:就像我们现有的 BERT 产品一样,在此次收购中取得的新产品也将经由我们在全球的直接销售通道,以及我们在各不同国家的经销商合作伙伴进行销售。


Tektronix Acquires Picosecond Pulse Labs



Boulder, Colo.-based Developer of High-Speed Test Instrumentation
will Strengthen Tektronix' 100G/400G Portfolio

BEAVERTON, Ore., Jan. 16, 2014 - Tektronix, Inc., a leading worldwide provider of test, measurement and monitoring instrumentation, today announced the acquisition of Picosecond Pulse Labs. The move is intended to strengthen the Tektronix portfolio in the growing market for test equipment to support 100G/400G optical data communications research and development. The terms of the transaction were not disclosed.

Privately-held Picosecond Pulse Labs, based in Boulder, Colorado, offers products that include ultra-high-speed pattern generators, the world's fastest pulse generators and highest bandwidth sampler modules. The company recently introduced the PatternPro line that includes multi-channel 32 Gb/s data generators and analyzers for 100G/400G applications.

"Picosecond Pulse Labs has a long history of designing and manufacturing cutting-edge instrumentation and brings a particular focus on the high-speed optical test market with its new 32 Gb/s error detectors and pattern generators," said Amir Aghdaei, president of Tektronix. "When combined with our high-speed oscilloscopes and other product offerings, Picosecond will further strengthen our portfolio of solutions in the critical 100G/400G data communications segment."

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About Tektronix
For more than sixty-five years, engineers have turned to Tektronix for test, measurement and monitoring solutions to solve design challenges, improve productivity and dramatically reduce time to market. Tektronix is a leading supplier of test equipment for engineers focused on electronic design, manufacturing, and advanced technology development. Headquartered in Beaverton, Oregon, Tektronix serves customers worldwide and offers award-winning service and support. Stay on the leading edge at www.tektronix.com

(来源: 互联网 )

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