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现在位置首页>技术资料首页>行业动态>公司动态>香港XIO Group完成5.1亿美元对以色列Lumenis的收购

香港XIO Group完成5.1亿美元对以色列Lumenis的收购

互联网2015年10月19日 14:18 点击:4399

科医人 Lumenis

2015年10月12日,香港XIO Group完成5.1亿美元对以色列医疗器械公司Lumenis的收购。收购完成后,Lumenis成为XIO的子公司。


YOKNEAM, Isreal, Oct. 12, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Lumenis Ltd. (NASDAQ:LMNS), the world's largest energy-based medical company for surgical, ophthalmology and aesthetic applications announced today that the previously reported merger transaction with an affiliate of XIO Group has been completed. Pursuant to the transaction, shareholders will receive the merger consideration of $14 per share in cash. Trading of Lumenis' ordinary B shares on NASDAQ Global Select Market has ceased.

About XIO Group

XIO Group is a global multi-billion dollar alternative investments firm with offices in London, Hong Kong and Shanghai. The company has a significant amount of committed capital in place for global transactions. The Group seeks to leverage its unique global network to provide growth for portfolio companies.

About Lumenis

Lumenis (Nasdaq:LMNS) is a global leader in the field of minimally-invasive clinical solutions for the Surgical, Ophthalmology and Aesthetic markets, and is a world-renowned expert in developing and commercializing innovative energy-based technologies, including Laser, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and Radio-Frequency (RF). For nearly 50 years, Lumenis' ground-breaking products have redefined medical treatments and have set numerous technological and clinical gold-standards. Lumenis has successfully created solutions for previously untreatable conditions, as well as designed advanced technologies that have revolutionized existing treatment methods in each and every one of the verticals we operate in. For more information visit: www.lumenis.com.


(来源: 互联网 )

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